Register to be listed in the S/IRF Qualified Practitioner Directory

This directory is a beautiful way to connect with clients presence your qualifications and training in IRF. [click here to view the directory]

Throughout the year as a directory member you will:

  • Be highlighted to Maureen’s mailing list 4x per year

  • Have opportunities to participate in a recorded interview about your work with S/IRF that will be published on youtube

  • The fee for a first time listing is $195 and covers your first 12 months. After that each yearly renewal is $195 at which point you will receive an email asking if you’d like any changes made to your listing. Any changes to your information in-between yearly renewals can be requested for a minimal admin fee of $25.

  • After you submit the form with all your information, Maureen will review your application and if approved her team will be in touch with your payment link!