Where understanding meets feeling and embodied healing

Foster a compassionate relationship between you and all your parts through the combined power of Inner Relationship Focusing and Somatic Experiencing©.

Develop a life-long toolkit for safety within

Whether you are…

A professional applying the modalities to your practice

Here to help yourself
heal and grow

There is room for you.

I meet so many people who get…

Immobilized by bad feelings about themselves

As a Psychologist of 30+ years, it feels deeply meaningful to help someone develop a full-bodied language for understanding their own innate power to transform.

After years of watching myself and others get stuck in loops, I know this to be true:

  • Through an intellectual understanding of your states you grow and change a certain amount.

  • Through an understanding of your feelings and patterned responses you grow some more.

  • And when you add to it an understanding of your body’s role…

BOOM. You transform.

Falling down a
familiar rabbit hole…

of difficult thoughts and feelings?

Your thoughts and feelings hold immense power, because you believe in them.

The key to transformation lies in your capacity to be in relationship to, instead of struggling for power over what’s difficult to be with inside your body and mind. Discover the potential compassionate relationship to change your entire lens on life.

Register for my mailing list and immediately receive an exercise to help you be with instead of falling back into hard feelings.

It’s called - Embracing your ‘self in presence’.

I’m Maureen

My life’s work has been devoted to de-mystifying what feels scarred, scared, and messy within, so that I can make more of myself receptive to all of what it means to be ALIVE.

This work is about the development and care of The Compassionate Self (something that feels hard to find and hold onto in this world) & it’s all held together with this truth: There are no bad parts.

I don’t believe that people need to be in therapy for their entire lives to heal. And I also don’t believe that there is a one size fits all model for healing.

I DO believe in…

Our ability to access and achieve the transformation we seek.

The power of blended therapeutic methodologies.

The power of listening deeply to more than just the thinking mind.

The power in a practice of relating over blame and shame.

— Luis Mojica

It’s not a way through a manual. A lot of forms of self help can feel like a step by step manual you are taught to follow. It gets super logical - but this is so relational that you don’t need to know therapy to do this.

Uniting IRF & SE©
for profound transformation

From the beginning of my career I have been both a psychotherapist and an educator. I have worked within the formal realm of higher learning, and expanded beyond it’s walls. I’ve learned, and now teach, several traditions in combination: Somatic Experiencing, Inner Relationship Focusing, and Attachment/Relational work. The combination of these modalities is what was missing for me, and I believe it can be a key for you too.

Somatic Experiencing©:

Somatic Experiencing (SE™) aims to resolve symptoms of stress, shock, and trauma that accumulate in our bodies. It is a body-oriented therapeutic model applied in multiple professions and professional settingsfor healing trauma and other stress disorders.

It has been clinically applied for more than four decades, and is the life’s work of Dr. Peter A. Levine.

Inner Relationship Focusing:

Inner Relationship Focusing (IRF) is a gentle technique of accessing and developing relationships with our inner states.

First learned in our own bodies, this technique can be integrated into psychotherapy practices to develop greater awareness and compassion for our own and our clients states. This method was initially developed by Ann Weiser Cornell and Barbara McGavin as a result of her work with Eugene Gendlin.

This is the Symphony of Self

My work isn't just about understanding the individual notes; it's a journey into deeper listening so that all parts of you can be seen, heard, and felt, allowing you to experience yourself and the world with a profound depth, authenticity, and grace.

When all our parts, both psychological and somatic can be related to and known, we transform our experience from a cacophony, into a symphony of profound self-awareness.

Doorways to the work

Inner Critics course

Move from inner critic to inner-companion in 8 weeks.Develop a way forward that is no longer at odds with this part of you.

Embodied Parts Work Academy

Somatic Inner Relationship Focusing program for Practitioners.

Slow Mastery

Be in real time small group practice and learning with other professionals.

Coming soon

Register for my Newsletter

I write once monthly with updates about offerings, classes, and opportunities to connect with each other.

I will also send you immediate access to my “self in presence” exercise to build a compassionate bond with your many parts.

The rules of healthy relationship still apply when we’re relating to ourselves.

Getting past the behaviours, reactions, or adaptations that you don’t like and don’t want to continue living with, means learning to approach your parts with kindness and respect.

When you learn how to relate to yourself that way, you trigger an enormous cycle of more compassion for self, more interest in life, more room for relationship, and more availability to see another in their fullness.

Any fear that comes from the mystery of your many states and being with them actually dissolves. Pretty soon that softness ripples out to the totality of your world.

Podcasts and places I’ve spoken

Keep in touch